Welcome to Scribble, Snap, Travel
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Happy me
I’m Andrea Anastasiou. In 2014, I set out with my then partner to travel the world; we started this blog so that I could write about our adventures (the scribble) and he could photograph them (the snap). Fast-forward to a year later and from a couple’s blog this turned into a solo female travel blog that has an emphasis on the transformative power of travel. I believe that seeing more of the world helps us to learn, heal, be inspired and connect with others. In fact, travel is what helped me get over my breakup.
That’s the rough gist of how Scribble, Snap, Travel was born, but you can read more about the story behind it here. If you want to read a little bit more about me, head here (spoiler: I like cocktails).
I decided to put together a collection of my favourite posts, popular posts, and ones that tell the story of this little online space that I have here. Grab a cup of coffee (or a Cosmo) and delve in!
My Favourite Posts
How A Skyros Writing Retreat Changed My Life (And Why You Should Also Consider A Retreat Holiday): When my three-year relationship ended very abruptly I knew that I wanted to pick up the pieces very quickly and in the healthiest possible way. So what did I do? I turned to the power of travel and booked myself onto what turned out to be a life-changing writing retreat. See, travel can be a miracle worker.
A Tale of One Dreamer Off To See The World: After the breakup I decided I wanted to continue a) travelling and b) documenting my journey via this blog. Following some soul searching, I knew I wanted to continue this blog on my own, which is when I wrote this post. Looking back I’m proud of myself for not being bitter and for not airing my dirty laundry out in public!
Not Lost. Just Wandering: I’ve recently realised that not all journeys that we take in life are ‘physical’ journeys. The most rewarding ones are the ones we take within. This is a post on my journey of self discovery, and why I’m happy to be ‘wandering’ – both metaphorically and literally.
Throwing Myself in the Deep End: Partying Solo at the Festa Major De Grácia Festival: The transition from travelling as a couple to travelling solo was a lot smoother than I anticipated it to be. I ended up feeling empowered and excited about the prospect of future trips. This is my account of the day it really hit home that I was now travelling alone.
Has Travel Made Me Happier? After years of waiting for the day when I could travel long-term, I was rather surprised with my answer to this one.
Amazing Experiences I’ve Had
Visiting La Sagrada Familia – The Crown of Barcelona: I love, love, love Gaudi. Seeing some of his masterpieces, including La Sagrada Familia, while in Barcelona was a highlight of my trip there.
Finding Peace in Koh Lanta: This little Thai island was paradise to me.
My First Diwali In India: My ex partner is Indian, so I got to experience India through a local’s eyes, which was truly a special experience. Spending Diwali with his family was my favourite part of the trip there and something I’ll never forget.
And The Not So Amazing
How (Not?) To Deal With Cockroaches: I have a SERIOUS phobia of cockroaches, so imagine my horror when I discovered that the lovely apartment I rented for the three months that I was in Saigon was overrun by them. I still shudder at the thought.
How Not To Trek In Sapa: I’m not sure whether I’m not the trekking type, or if this trip was just that badly organised that I hated every minute. But nevertheless, it wasn’t one of my finest moments – you’ll see from the photos!
Travel & Wellness Posts
Why I Meditate (And A Guide To Meditation For Beginners): I meditate on a daily basis, and this little practice of mine has brought me more peace than anything else ever has. I therefore decided to put together this massive guide to meditation for beginners – hoping I can spread some of the little bit of wisdom that I’ve acquired 🙂
14 Ways To Have More Meaningful Travel Experiences: I believe in the transformative power of travel, as research shows us again and again how it is beneficial to our mental wellbeing. I therefore wanted to put together some ideas on things you can do to get the most out of your next trip – whether it’s a short weekend sojourn or a RTW adventure, you can hopefully find something here that you can try.
The Countries I’ve Written About Thus Far: